Discover the transformative power that laughter, positive thinking, and a growth-orientated mindset have on your overall well-being and health with Laughter is the Best Medicine’s insightful articles.

Embrace Mindfulness and Stop Overthinking

Discover how mindfulness can help you stop chasing happiness and find peace in the present moment. Learn techniques to cultivate awareness and let go of overthinking. Boost your overall well-being with the healing power of laughter and mindfulness. By embracing the power of mindfulness, you can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and boost your immune system. Join us as we explore the link between overthinking and unhappiness, along with techniques for incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. Learn how to embrace mindfulness and find inner contentment and peace in the present moment, rather than constantly chasing external achievements for happiness.

Inspirational Stories and Articles To Help You Stop Chasing Happiness and Find Inner Peace

Meet Leslie

I’m Leslie Riopel, M.A., Psychology. I am a Creative Soul, Psychology Professor, Certified Integrated Coach, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, and most of all a Story Teller!

I have loved stories since I was a little girl. As an adult, I have a unique blend of experience in education, teaching, real estate, mindfulness, and psychology. I am on a never-ending quest to rediscover myself. I would love to help you do that as well!

Our blog is a gentle reminder that laughter brings joy and a reminder that even in the most challenging times, there is always something to smile about. Each story is crafted with care, inviting you to slow down, be present at the moment, and appreciate the little things in life.


— Leslie D. Riopel. M.A. Psychology, The Gratitude Coach

Make a donation.

Do you like what you see here? Do these short stories lift you up and make you feel better? This site is self-funded, so if you feel inspired to graciously make a donation, I certainly appreciate it!

Through these practices, you will find yourself developing a deeper sense of self-awareness and cultivating a mindset of gratitude. This powerful combination of laughter, mindfulness, meditation, and gratitude is a recipe for true happiness and well-being.  So, what are you waiting for? Dive into our blog where healing meets humor in a way that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and alive.

— Leslie Riopel, M.A. Psychology, The Gratitude Coach

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